We've received quite a large number of questions about whether Spin Rewriter is going to support paragraph and sentence level spinning as well. The reason for these questions is most likely the fact that paragraph and sentence level spinning is absent from the current Beta version of Spin Rewriter, primarily due to our 100% focus on the amazing context-aware word level and phrase level spinning that really sets Spin Rewriter apart from its competition.
However, to answer the questions: YES, of course Spin Rewriter will also support paragraph and sentence level spinning when it goes live.
This way everyone gets whatever they could possibly want. We're really working super hard on this one and I guarantee you that it will exceed your expectations. 😃
However, to answer the questions: YES, of course Spin Rewriter will also support paragraph and sentence level spinning when it goes live.
This way everyone gets whatever they could possibly want. We're really working super hard on this one and I guarantee you that it will exceed your expectations. 😃
Published on: August 30th, 2011
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