Alright, I've been waiting for a bit to tell you this, but now we're ready! 😎
We've just opened up quite a few new spots for Beta Testers of our new product, the amazing article rewriter called Spin Rewriter. «-- see how I used some pretentious SEO-rich anchor text with this link? 😃
To join our group of (much beloved) Beta Testers, head over to, create an account (you might already have one if you're using any of my other services) and submit the application. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance! 😃
P.S.: We already sent an email notification to those of you who signed up for the waiting list. You guys rock!
We've just opened up quite a few new spots for Beta Testers of our new product, the amazing article rewriter called Spin Rewriter. «-- see how I used some pretentious SEO-rich anchor text with this link? 😃
To join our group of (much beloved) Beta Testers, head over to, create an account (you might already have one if you're using any of my other services) and submit the application. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance! 😃
P.S.: We already sent an email notification to those of you who signed up for the waiting list. You guys rock!
Published on: June 23rd, 2011
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