We might be a bit late, but it comes from the heart. 😃
Unfortunately not all was great during these holidays - Spin Rewriter's server grid had some issues, and we're still working on them at the moment. We know what went wrong, so it's basically just a matter of time until we resolve them - but we'll need some more time. Supposedly everything's going to be 100% OK on Wednesday at 4 AM EST, or so.
Stay tuned! 😃
Unfortunately not all was great during these holidays - Spin Rewriter's server grid had some issues, and we're still working on them at the moment. We know what went wrong, so it's basically just a matter of time until we resolve them - but we'll need some more time. Supposedly everything's going to be 100% OK on Wednesday at 4 AM EST, or so.
Stay tuned! 😃
Published on: April 9th, 2012
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