We're celebrating today — Spin Rewriter just turned 8! 🥳

I absolutely can't believe how quickly they grow up... 😳
I remember launching the first version of Spin Rewriter like it was yesterday. It was a beautiful, sunny Wednesday. The date was September 14th, 2011.
Looking back — for me, personally — launching the first version of Spin Rewriter was likely the most stressful time of my life. But it was also a wonderful and magical time, all at once.
The reason Spin Rewriter made such an enormous splash at the time was quite simple — it was the first intelligent article spinner the world had ever seen. Back in 2011, it was the first software that could tell the difference between "book" as in "novel", and "book" as in "make a reservation".
I know, I know... We take these things for granted nowadays. But in every single year of its life, Spin Rewriter has only gotten better, more capable, and more popular.
We've kept working really hard all these years, doing everything that needed to be done to keep our 158,000 users happy.
And what's most important — to me! — is the fact that our amazing users have kept sending us incredibly positive feedback all along.
So let me take this simple opportunity to say...
To Spin Rewriter: Happy 8th Birthday!
And to our amazing customers... You guys are truly THE BEST! 🎉
Published on: September 14th, 2019
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