Time for some good, good, GOOD news! 🤩

As you might already know, Spin Rewriter has been offering a really tight integration with a wonderful provider of PLR seed articles called Big Content Search for close to 10 years now.

For all this time, Big Content Search's incredible database of over 126,000 articles covering pretty much every imaginable niche has been available to users of Spin Rewriter right inside Step 1 of the rewriting process.

As a result, anyone looking for a seed article about e.g. "guitar lessons" could simply use the "Fetch an Article" option in Step 1 to instantly fetch an awesome seed article straight from the enormous Big Content Search database. 🚀

It's truly a wonderful integration that gives our users access to high-quality seed articles that they can use in their rewriting process.

Literally the only downside (until now!) is that Big Content Search required a payment on their end before our users could integrate it right into their Spin Rewriter account.

However, this is no longer the case!

The full collection of over 126,000 PLR articles and the full integration with Big Content Search are now available to all Spin Rewriter users — for FREE. 🤩

If you log into your Spin Rewriter account right now, you already have the full Big Content Search functionality enabled. You don't need to do a single thing on your end — everything simply works, and it works well. 👍

We are beyond excited to make this announcement, as this awesome upgrade will help make Spin Rewriter an even more powerful tool, by giving every single one of our users unlimited access to great seed articles.

Have fun checking out the new (and free) integration! 🚀

Published on: September 2nd, 2024

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