Tutorial: How to add relevant images and videos to your unique articles

Time for another video tutorial — let's go! 📹

We recently talked about how powerful Spin Rewriter is when it's time to quickly and easily add relevant media (that is to say, relevant images and relevant videos) to the unique articles you are generating (or exporting in bulk).

Today you'll see exactly what this looks like when using Spin Rewriter (and how we've made this process dead simple):

Relevant images and videos will take the unique content you're generating to the absolute next level... both in terms of how much attention it will draw from your readers and viewers, and also in terms of how much top-quality content like this will help your SEO. 👍

Of course you can find even more Spin Rewriter video tutorials here... 😃

Insert relevant media exactly the way you want to

First off, we hope you're enjoying the summer! ☀️

And if you're currently in between vacations (working on your articles, of course), we've also got some good news for you. 😃

We've further improved the way Spin Rewriter helps you add relevant images and videos to your freshly-generated unique articles.

With this latest update, you can now easily choose between inserting relevant media in between the paragraphs of your articles, or inserting relevant media as part of the paragraph with the text of your article flowing around them.

We recommend the first option when inserting videos as those require a bit more attention by people reading your articles — and we recommend the second option when inserting images as this will make your articles much more visually appealing and nicer to read.

Hope you like this update — and keep on enjoying your summer! 👍

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