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Article Spinning: The Future
I've probably come across the question of "the future of article spinning" at least a 1,000 times. I see it in Spin Rewriter's support emails. I see it on many forums as well. And, I was discussing it with some of the top internet marketers on the Online Underground Seminar in Washington.
What do I think about it? Since I have been in the very narrow business of article spinning for almost 3 years now, I have some predictions. But before we discuss the future, let's take a look at the past.
How Was Article Spinning First "Invented"?
Article spinning was born because of the content needs of online marketers. At that time (before all the important Google updates), quantity was king. If you were able to produce more content than your competitor, you had nothing to worry about. And because of the well-known Google "duplicate content" filters, your content needed to look unique.
This wasn't hard at all
What do I think about it? Since I have been in the very narrow business of article spinning for almost 3 years now, I have some predictions. But before we discuss the future, let's take a look at the past.
How Was Article Spinning First "Invented"?
Article spinning was born because of the content needs of online marketers. At that time (before all the important Google updates), quantity was king. If you were able to produce more content than your competitor, you had nothing to worry about. And because of the well-known Google "duplicate content" filters, your content needed to look unique.
This wasn't hard at all
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